Chamonix 1924 Winter Olympic Games

Following the example of the Summer Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee organized the "International Week of Winter Sports" in 1924.


Time and Place: Chamonix (France), 25 January – 5 February 1924
Participation: 16 countries, 258 athletes
Number of sports: 6 sports, 16 events
Number of Slovenian athletes: 2
Fire lit by: lit for the first time in 1936
Games opened by: Gaston Vidal
Olympic oath: Camille Mandrillon


Trivia from the Chamonix 1924 Winter Olympic Games

As is true for most of the decisions made by the Olympic family, the way to the Winter Olympics was a long and arduous one. The many opponents of the winter version of the largest sports events were convinced of the validity of the idea after they witnessed the greatly successful premiere at Chamonix. Despite some trouble with the weather, the then IOC president and father of modern Olympism, Baron Pierre de Coubertin and his backers proudly witnessed the birth of a new traditional event.


The Winter Week welcomed 258 athletes (including 11 women) who competed in Nordic skiing, figure and speed skating, bobsledding, curling and ice hockey. The precursor of modern-day biathlon was organized as a demonstration sport.


The most medals were won by Scandinavian countries who only decided to support the idea of holding Winter Olympics every four years after winning a nice collection of medals. Medals were awarded to 11 countries. Scandaniavian countries won a total of 30 medals with notable athletes including Finnish speed skaters Julius Skutnabb and Clas Thunberg and Norwegian cross country skier Thorleif Haug. The honor of becoming the first champion of the Winter Olympic Games was bestowed upon Charles Jewtraw. The American speed skater won his medal in the 500 meter race.