Sports for All

The OCS-ASF Sports for All contributes to encouraging and promoting a balanced and active lifestyle. It recalls the great power of sport enhancing people’s lives of all age groups, in all four seasons of the year, encouraging Slovenian citizens to get involved in sport, reminding them that physical activity is essential to guarantee to everyone a healthy body and mind.

Technically, the Sport for All Committee’s numerous programmes are executed by Working Groups covering particular sport for all diverse activities. In collaboration with the Slovenian Olympic Academy and the Commune-Level Sport Committee, the Sport for All Committee introduces additional high quality Olympic and expert value to the programmes of the associations and clubs who are actually staging its various events. The principle projects of all Sport for All Committee projects are the projects: “New Olympic Life stile through sport – Rather Move with us ,”  “Olympic Card” and “Prescription for Healthy Life through Sport”. On the local level, it is the Commune-Level Sports Committee which, in collaboration with the regional OCS-ASF and affiliated Sports Federations and Municipal Sports Federations Offices, organizes sports programs that are actually staged by local associations and clubs.

Sport for All Projects

New Olympic Life stile through sport – Rather Move with us (Media campaign,  weekly TV show on national TV and radio) Olympic Card, Slovenia Running, Olympic Day Run, Slovenia Cycling, Prescription for Healthy Life through Sport, Mini-Olympiads, Programs in collaboration with national affiliated sports federations (Mountaineering and Climbing Federation, Dance, Kayak-Canoe, Swimming Federation of Slovenia, Dance federation and others) Sport for All Conferences.

Sport for All Programs are both numerous and diverse in nature

Training, open to all, encourages people to get involved in appropriate physical activity during the course of their entire lives from their birth through maturity and creativity of middle age to the very old age. The criteria for their quality being diversity, the regular recreational programs are included in the competition programs with expert medical assistance and provide for safe and healthy physical activity.  The Awareness Programs, organized jointly with the Slovenian Olympic Academy, apart from sports issues include also other skills, depending on the response from educational and medical institutions. The Programs of Animation open high quality and healthy opportunities for including all age groups into picturesque, versatile and regular recreational sports programs.

The Sport for All Committee’s activities contributes considerably to the systematization of the development of infrastructure, recruitment and education. Exchange of experience in different environments adds an extra value to the quality of the Sport for All programs.